Prayer for a dead friend In islam | دعاء للصديق الميت في الاسلام

Prayer for a dead friend In islam | دعاء للصديق الميت في الاسلام

Prayer for a dead friend In islam

Prayer is the connection between the dead and the living, and one of the most beautiful things a friend can invite to his friend on Friday:

  • Oh God, on this Friday, forgive him, have mercy on him, forgive him for his bad deeds, and make him my Lord in your confines, and you are the neighbor appointed to him.
  • Oh God, my friend has now moved from the home of misery to your home, to the house where only your mercy, greatness and generosity are in it.
  • Oh God, my friend and I used to do good things on Friday, and now he is in your hands that may despair of the world and its people, so there is no refuge for him except you, the great heavens and the earth and what is between them, so God has help and support.
  • Oh God, spread between my friend and the fire, as I was separated between the East and Morocco, pardoned him and forgave him and overlooked his sin, and the land of God for him and do not treat him with what is his family, but treat God with what you are his family, you are the people of piety and forgiveness.
  • Oh God, Friday is the day of the day when mercy descends on the living people of the earth, so how, O my Lord, with the dead who moved next to you, there is no generosity in that house except your generosity, O God, make my friend so and so on in Paradise higher than Heaven.

I invite the dead friend before the burial

One of the most difficult situations that a person suffers in his life is his position when burying his loved ones and friends, and what can be called before the burial:

  • Oh God, here is his soul now, and he is weak and humiliated. He hopes for your mercy and fears your torment. His grave will now be included in his hands and from behind him, from his faith and from his family.
  • Oh God, in these moments, my heart beats with great failure. My wing did not touch me since my mother gave birth to me and scattered me on the back of this earth. Oh God, I ask forgiveness from my friend, whose spirit has overflowed with you, so he only hopes for your mercy.
  • Oh God, death is the verse by which you defied the servants of the oppressors or even the righteous, so you forbade eternity on any creature. For God, have mercy on the weak who came next to you, so their remorse will not help them and no sin will be destroyed.
  • Oh God, here I am now looking at my friend, and the shrouds have been wrapped around him. There is no dress for him except a thin piece of white fabric free from the decorations of this life.
  • Oh God, have mercy on my friend, and forgive him, and make Paradise his shelter, and do not make him those whom I have given in this world to take them in the Hereafter. Rather, make them my Lord who have forgiven them and forgave their disadvantages.

I pray for a dead friend on the night of destiny

The Night of Power is the night that the mercy of God bless you and Almighty, and one of the most beautiful things a Muslim can call to others:

  • Oh God, on the night of destiny, that night that made it better than a thousand months, as I told it in your great book, I ask you to have mercy on my friend whose dirt was his refuge.
  • Oh God, forgive my dead friend on this night of destiny in which you made supplication responsive, and you, Lord of the worlds, you are the most merciful and you are the Lord of the weak, my God to whom you trust if you do not sponsor it.
  • Oh God, you made the Night of Power a night of supplication, and you, God, told us to let me respond to you, my God, I ask you to respond to me and to have mercy on my friend so and forgive him and to overcome all the badness of his foot in his life.
  • Oh God, you are the Forgiving, and you have called yourself Forgiving, and you alone release a thousand and blame in the name of Forgiving so that you alone have forgiveness, for God asked you forgiveness for the sins of my friend all what he knew from him and what he did not know.
  • Oh God, you are the merciful Lord, whose mercy is the first refuge for his sinful servants, so how, O my Lord, on the night of destiny in which I made freedom from the container, I ask you, God, to forgive our dead and have mercy on them on this great day.

I pray to the dead friend for forgiveness and mercy

A good friend is a blessing from God, blessed and Almighty, and the best that a friend calls for his friend after his death:

  • Oh God, have mercy on my friend so and so who left the house of the world and joined the house of survival, God has overcome his bad deeds and pardon him and forgive him and be his Lord in support of him if the angels come to ask him, and prove it to my Lord when asking.
  • Oh God, you are the Lord of Mercy, from which you revealed something walking on earth and divided it among your servants. They have mercy on that easy part, and I have left with you, my Lord, great parts of mercy, and have mercy on them, O king, my friend, and your servant so and so on.
  • Oh God, the Most Gracious, the heavens and the earth, and their merciful. Oh God, whoever made mercy the title of medical hearts, my Lord, you who glorified mercy and favored it among the servants, have mercy on my Lord my friend, forgive his sin and transgress from his missteps that you are the sign of the unseen.
  • Oh God, transgress his sins, forgive his mistakes, and forgive his negligence.

The effect of supplication on the dead

The effect of supplication for the dead is very great, including:

  • Prayer benefits the dead, so God Almighty forgives his sins by the good of that supplication from his friend or his relatives, and he responds with the permission of God Almighty, as it is an invitation in the back of the unseen.
  • Ask forgiveness and charity And pray for the dead It increases his good deeds and weighs heavily on him, and it is a reason for him to enter heaven, God willing, blessed and Almighty.
  • Prayer strengthens social relations between members of society, so the Muslim feels that if he dies, God Almighty will make fun of those who pray for him as he had previously called for that dead friend.
  • The supplication relieves the dead and is a reason for relieving him in the grave, God willing, bless and exalted

Also Read – Prayer Time Doha

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